ASASWEI -IASSW : webinar on Mandela Day 18 July 2020
Dear Colleagues,
It is our pleasure to inform you that the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) and The Association of South African Social Work Education Institutions (ASASWEI) is planning to have a joint webinar commemorating Mandela Day 18 July 2020. As you are aware, former South African President, the late Nelson Mandela is a global icon. We mark this day usually with 67 minutes of individual community service.
We invite social work undergraduate students from different countries (IASSW member universities/ IASSW Individual members) who would like to share a quote from Mandela’s legacy and reflect how this has impacted on Society or on their lives?
Mode of Contribution: student participants can make a 5-minute oral or PowerPoint presentation.
Language: English
No. of presenters will be selected: 4
Please submit your contribution to Dr. Varoshini Nadesan, President: ASASWEI at before Monday, July 6, 2020. Selected students will be informed on Monday July 13, 2020.
We will send an invitation to the webinar later. You can circulate and invite as many social work students worldwide to participate in paying tribute to this global icon.
Looking forward to receiving your contribution.