ICSW International Seminar
Title: The role of ICTs for social inclusion and social welfare
The purpose of the international seminar “The role of ICTs for social inclusion and social welfare” is to explore a key phenomenon that has been accelerated by the COVID-19 crisis: the digitalization of our societies. And also one of its effects: the need to design inclusive social policies in a digital environment. Without digitalization there can be no inclusion, and the digitalization model we are implementing in our welfare systems will have lasting consequences. Digitalization represents a collective, global challenge that will redefine the relationships between users, professionals and the administrations or companies that provide welfare services. The objective of this international seminar is precisely to address these problems and challenges in greater depth, analysing the role for ICTs for social inclusion and social welfare, and country cases of successful ICT application in the field of social welfare.
May 2021, 12 and 19
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