IASSW co-sponsored two side events at the February 2025 meeting of the United Nations Commission for Social Development. Lynne Healy, IASSW Main Representative in New York, spoke at both events and other members of the IASSW team of representatives participated in some of the meetings during this 63rd session of the Commission. You can view both side events by using these links. Educators may find them useful for their classes.
Building a Collective Future: Grassroots Voices on Emerging Priorities for the Second World Social Summit
Co-sponsored by IASSW, the NGO Committee for Social Development, the Government of Portugal, and UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)
February 13, 2025
Fostering Inclusive Communities: Addressing Barriers to Social Participation
Co-sponsored by ICSW and IASSW
February 11, 2025