Article I: Name, Mission, Purpose, and Governance Structure
Section 1. Name. The name of this Corporation shall be the International Association of Schools of Social Work, Inc. (hereinafter – “IASSW”).
Definitions:’Schools’ is an inclusive and representative term that refers to universities, colleges, departments, faculties, institutes and programs that offer post-secondary education/ training preparation of professionals in social work, culminating in a degree or diploma signifying successful completion of their studies. Social work is an inclusive and representative title.
Section 2. IASSW Vision and Mission.
A.The vision statement of the IASSW is: ‘Excellence in social work education, research and scholarship across the globe, in pursuit of a more just and equitable world’.
Section 3. Governance Structure. The functions of IASSW shall be carried out through the Members, Board of Directors, the General Assembly, and such other Committees and Task Forces as may be established and authorized by the Board in accordance with the procedures set forth in these Bylaws and the Board policies and Manual of Policies and Procedures.
Article II: Principal Offices
The principal office of the IASSW shall be at the same location as the IASSW President. The Board of Directors may designate one or two additional principal offices, for the purpose of financial management, membership administration or any other functions determined by the Board of Directors.
Article III: Membership
Section 1. Categories of Members
The membership of the IASSW shall be composed of educational institutions (program/school members), individuals and organizations. Membership is classified under the following categories:
A.Members. The following entities which subscribe to the Mission and Purposes, as set forth in these Bylaws, shall be eligible to become members with the right to vote at the General Assembly or by mail or electronic vote:
Article III: Membership
Section 1. Categories of Members
The membership of the IASSW shall be composed of educational institutions (program/school members), individuals and organizations. Membership is classified under the following categories:
A.Members. The following entities which subscribe to the Mission and Purposes, as set forth in these Bylaws, shall be eligible to become members with the right to vote at the General Assembly or by mail or electronic vote:
Section 2. Duties of Members
Members of all categories must, to the best of their ability, safeguard the interests of the IASSW, pay the stipulated dues and act in accordance with these Bylaws and resolutions of the IASSW.
Section 3. Acquisition and Termination of Membership
Article IV. Administrative Bodies, Directors and Officers
Section 1. Administrative Bodies
The functions of the IASSW shall be carried out through the following bodies:
The functions of the IASSW shall be carried out through the following bodies:
Section 2. General Assembly
Section 3. Board of Directors
Section 4. Composition of the Board of Directors
Section 5. Officers
Section 6. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of: 1) the President; 2) five Vice-Presidents; 3) the Secretary; 4) the Treasurer; 5) the Resident Treasurer without vote; 6) the four members-at-large of the Board of Directors.
Section 7. Nominating Committee
Article V: Appointment of Executive Officer
Article VI: Finance
Article VII: Meetings
Section 1. Annual Meetings
The Board of Directors shall meet once or twice a year to receive reports of officers, directors and committees and for the transaction of other business. Notice of the meeting signed by the President shall be mailed at least 40 (forty) days before the time appointed for the meeting.
Section 2. Special Meetings of the Board of Directors
Special meetings may be called at any time at the request of the President or of any three directors. Notice of the special meeting is to be given in the same manner as for the annual meeting. No business other than that specified in the notice of meeting shall be transacted at any special meeting.
Section 3. Quorums
Quorums shall be as follows:
Section 4. Voting
Article VIII: Dissolution of the IASSW and Dedication of Assets
Article IX: Amendments
The International Association Of Schools Of Social Work
Est. 1928