IASSW Online General Assembly 2022 IASSW held its Online General Assembly 2022 on July 13, 2022. It was attended by many members and Board of Directors of IASSW from all five continents/ across the world. Prof. Annamaria Campanini opened the meeting and welcomed all members in the General Assembly. The IASSW Board of Directors presented...
Election Results 2022 Congratulations to IASSW’s newly elected board members for 4 years of term (2022-2026) Treasurer Azlinda Azman from Malaysia Member –at-large: Member at- Large-: Alex Altshuler from Israel Member at- Large-: Pamela Singla from India The IASSW Board of directors and all members are looking forward to the contribution of newly elected...
Fast Tracking child well- being | A Virtual Symposium details The Centre for Social Development in Africa and partners will be hosting a virtual CoP Symposium on 19 -20 July 2022 to share research findings and lessons learned from a community of practice model (CoP) supported by the NRF to deliver joined-up care and support...
Seminário Mundial A relação AIETS e Serviço Social Brasileiro e Latinoamericano: um aprofundamento do conhecimento mútuo Dia 13 de julho de 2022, de 14 a 18 horas. (Online e presencial) Auditório Dênis Bernardes do CCSA / UFPE ABERTURA: Das 14 às 16 horas, O Serviço Social Brasileiro e o Mundo. Abertura: Alexandra Mustafá (UFPE) e...
International Social Work Leader Review CSWE’s Commission on Global Social Work Education and the Katherine A. Kendall Institute collaborate to offer the International Social Work Leader Review. Each quarter the Review features an individual who has made significant contributions to international social work education with ties to the United States. In the spirit of Katherine...
IASSW Announces The Release Of Social Dialogue Magazine # 26 Dear Colleagues, International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) has launched Social Dialogue magazine volume 26 on Black Lives Matter: developments in de-colonising social work. This volume contains 16 articles from Ecuador, Guyana, Uruguay, Papua New Guinea, Italy, UK, Canada, Australia, and Aotearoa/New...
IASSW General Assembly 2022 Dear Colleagues, IASSW members and Friends Greetings from IASSW!! IASSW is looking forward to the 2022 General Meeting which will be held via an online platform on the Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 12:00pm Wed, July 13 2022 (CEST) Please register here at https://cutt.ly/XKuXtUr IASSW Board of Directors look forward to your active participation...
The People’s Charter for an Eco-Social World People’s Charter for an Eco-Social World The People’s Charter for an Eco-Social World comes from the People’s Global Summit, ‘Co-Building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind’, held online on 29 June – 2 July 2022. It is a living document and reference point that will grow...
Seminário sobre Internacionalização do Serviço Social Scheduled for Jun 29, 2022 Este Seminário apresentará algumas experiências de intercâmbio internacional e discutirá o processo de internacionalização do Serviço Social Brasileiro para fortalecer o debate sobre a atuação de assistentes sociais, docentes, discentes, pesquisadores e intelectuais na cena acadêmica internacional do Serviço Social, com o fim de...
Vacancy in Japan College of Social Work The Faculty of Social Welfare, Japan College of Social Work, is looking for a faculty, full-Time (Non-tenured), field of studies on “Human Welfare and Culture”. For details, visit the following URLs: https://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=3&ln=1&id=D122061288&ln_jor=1 https://www.jcsw.ac.jp/about/saiyo/2022-0623-02.html