Professor James Midgley has led the editorial team for a groundbreaking book that provides a coherent case to enhance collaboration between social policy and development. The Handbook of Social Policy and Development, edited by James Midgley, Rebecca Surender and Laura Alfers, discusses a myriad of ways in which this can be done, exploring both academic...
Dear Colleagues,CALL FOR ABSTRACTS IS OPEN NOW: The SWESD 2020 International Scientific Committee is pleased to announce the Call for Abstracts for the JOINT WORLD CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: PROMOTING HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS: BRIDGING THE FUTURE! Authors are warmly invited to submit abstracts for Oral, Symposium, Workshop, Regional dialogue and Poster presentations and...
Call for articles /submission Social Dialogue#21 Dear Colleagues, In the next issue of social dialogue # 21 we would like to address the topic “What are the current issues facing social work education and practice in your country at this moment in history ” (PS I will think of shorter title later!). There are no specific guidelines or tips – just what you are working on now with regard to the profession and the many contemporary issues facing it currently.It...
Read an interview with the Katherine Kendall Award winner 2018, Dra. Marilda Villela Iamamoto: on Read an interview with the Katherine Kendall Award winner 2018, Dra. Marilda Villela Iamamoto :
IASSW invites interested and well qualified parties from the IASSW regions to submit applications for Regional Resource Centre Status for 2019. Applications should be submitted by member schools of social work, or a lead school if several intend to work in partnership. The 2019 call will give priority to regions that do not already have an RRC. The deadline...
The Social Work Department of the University of Bucharest, Romania is pleased to invite you to the 4th Edition of the Social Work International Conference: The Place and Role of Social Work in the 2020s and Beyond, November 7th – 8th, 2019, Bucharest, Romania. The conference invites social work researchers, educators and practitioners to reflect on social work’s role...
A member has asked what IASSW actually does at the United Nations. Hopefully, many of you have gleaned at least part of the answer from the newsletters that our interns prepare to report on our activities. The short answer to what we do is that we do what the UN allows NGOs with consultative status...