Call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) to host the SWSD 2020 Conference Joint World Conference for Social Work and Social Development, 2020,with the Theme: Promoting Human Relationships The Joint Steering Committee, representing the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW), the International Council on Social Welfare (ICSW) and the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW),...
EASSW CONFERENCE PARIS 2017 SAVE THE DATE! Social work educaton in Europe: challenging boundaries, promoting a sustainable future Paris, France Université René Descartes 26 ‐ 29 June 2017 Read more here:
Si, ojalá todos los colectivos profesionales fueran más proactivos en esa materia. Excelente pronunciamiento. Es una fortaleza como gremio poder emitir estos puntos de vista; basados en la justicia social y los derechos constitucionales de los países.Que bueno seria, poder construir estas propuestas en cada uno de nuestros países; pues a veces, se vuelve tan...
IASSW Regional Resource Centre applications The Board decided to extend the date for submission of Regional Resource Centre application forms – the new date is 26th September 2016. We were delighted to appoint the first RRC this year in what is hoped to be a rolling programme of Resource Centres across all continents. The policy, Selection Criteria and guidance,...
Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development IASSW Statement Theme 3: Promoting environmental and community sustainability The Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development (2012) reflects the commitment of social workers, social development practitioners, educators, and international, national and local organisations to contribute to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In preparing for...
The Nordic association for Social Work Research (Forsa) and the Nordic Association of Schools of Social Work (Nousa) wish to invite participants from outside the Nordic Region the to jointly organised conference 7th – 9th of November 2016 “Decisions by social workers are important tasks in generating positive outcomes in social work. This conference focuses...
IASSW-By-Laws in Spanish International Association of Schools of Social Work BY-LAWS (Approved by the IASSW General Assembly, June 28, 2016 Seoul, Republic of Korea) IASSW bylaws_2016-SPANISH
IASSW-By-Laws in Japanese International Association of Schools of Social Work BY-LAWS (Approved by the IASSW General Assembly, June 28, 2016 Seoul, Republic of Korea) IASSW bylaws_2016_JAPANESE
IASSW-By-Laws in French <style type=”text/css”> .wpb_animate_when_almost_visible { opacity: 1; }</style> International Association of Schools of Social Work BY-LAWS (Approved by the IASSW General Assembly, June 28, 2016 Seoul, Republic of Korea) IASSW bylaws_2016_FRENCH