International Association of Schools of Social Work BY-LAWS (Approved by the IASSW General Assembly, June 28, 2016 Seoul, Republic of Korea) IASSW bylaws_2016-CHINESE
IASSW Statement on recent developments in Turkey IASSW and EASSW have been monitoring recent developments in Turkey closely. Our organisations and the wider social work community consistently and unequivocally condemn military coups and attempts to limit civil liberties, and curtail human rights. The attempted coup de etat in Turkey, was appallingand dangerous. Perpetrators need to...
IASSW statement on recent terror attacks International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) condemns violence and terror attacks held in recent days: on June 28thattack at the Istanbul airport (Turkey), on the 1st July massacre in a restaurant in Dhaka (Bangladesh), on 3 July 2016, two bomb attacks were carried out in Baghdad, resulting...
Asociación Latinoamericana de Enseñanza e Investigación en Trabajo Social Associação Latino-Americana de Ensino e Pesquisa em Serviço Social Statement about the priority issues for the Latin American Region[1] The Latin American Association of Education and Research of Social Work (ALAEITS, Spanish Acronym) agree that the following issues deserve priority attention by governments, institutions,...
Beneficios de la Membresía Derecho a participar en el gobernabilidad de la asociación a través de elecciones y la Asamblea General Cuotas reducidas de inscripción de los congresos mundiales bi-anuales para todos los miembros del Programa o según el tipo de membresía. Oportunidades de aplicar y beneficiarse de proyectos y fondos de la...
Declaración de la AIETS sobre la dignidad humana La Asociación Internacional de Escuelas de Trabajo Social (AIETS) está comprometida con un mundo justo e inclusivo y respalda la dignidad humana como un valor de trabajo social y un derecho humano que se refleja en los programas de educación de trabajo social, en las estrategias...
IASSW express its grief and outrage at the mass shooting of at least 50 sexual and gender minority persons in a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, USA. This massacre has been called the worst in US history. According to his father, the shooter was motivated because he saw two men kissing, and the act is being...