Call for Papers for a Research Methodology Special Issue to be Published in August 2022 Call details (PDF) | Call details (Web page) The process to decolonize social work has produced significant outcomes, including, but not limited to a crop of African social workers who are clear about what decolonization is and why it is necessary. This...
Virtual International workshop titled as “Supervision Framework in International Field Education” will be held on 18th October 2021 at 2.30 pm IST by the School of Social Work, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences (Autonomous), India. The audience expected are field educators and faculty educators along with senior social work students across India, Israel and Australia....
The Publication Committee with the Board of Directors of International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) is happy to announce the online launch of Voices of Social Work: The Eileen Younghusband Lectures 1984 – 2018 Access it Online Here Member Access If you’re an active IASSW member for 2021, please write an email to...
Would you like to help us improve? The International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) is conducting two surveys to better understand our Membership Benefits as well as our Website & Social Media presence. We would love to get your feedback that will help us improve these offerings. Please click the links below to...
ONE WEEK ONLINE Faculty Development Programme on ‘OUTCOME BASED FIELD EDUCATION IN SOCIAL WORK’ 28 September to 4 October 2021 The IQAC and Department of Social Work, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences (Autonomous) (NAAC A++ – 3.83/4, NIRF -31 (2021)) is organizing a one-week ONLINE FDP on “Outcome Based Field Education in Social Work” in...
International Day of Peace – September 21 The activities start at 10 am, with a live of social workers who participated in the Screening the Pandemic Program, which is broadcast by the IASSW-BRASIL Channel and is part of the research activities Theory and Practice of Social Work in the world in Pandemic Times, coordinated by...
REMINDER- CALL FOR NOMINATIONS- 2022 KATHERINE A. KENDALL MEMORIAL AWARD Date of submission 30th September 2021 Nominations are invited for the Prestigious Katherine A. Kendall Memorial Award for distinguished contribution to the development of social work education internationally. The nominee can come from any region of the world and may or may not be a...
Special Issue: Beyond Colonization to the Fore of Social Development The Journal of Indigenous Social Development (JISD) is calling for papers for a special issue that examines the extraordinary attributes of Indigenous peoples that engendered vision, determination, and resurgence despite long histories of subjugation. Amid unprecedented social strife and climate change, traditional knowledge and lessons...
Social Work International Conference (SWIC) 2021, 5th Edition, “Social Work Diversity: A Dialogue Among Professions. Enriching Solidarity in Unruly Times” VIRTUAL EVENT, OCTOBER 28TH – 29TH, 2021 The Social Work Department of the University of Bucharest is pleased to invite submissions for paper presentations for the 5th Edition of Social Work International Conference (SWIC) 2021 Social Work...
Statement in solidarity of girls, women and men who fight for democratic and equitable society in Afghanistan The Women’s Interest Group of International Association of the Schools of Social Work (WIG IASSW) statements Download in English: IASSW-WIG Statement (English) Download in Spanish: IASSW-WIG Statement (Spanish) Download in Dari: IASSW-WIG Statement (Dari)