Disaster Intervention, Climate Change And Sustainability Committee
IASSW initially set up the Disaster Intervention, Climate Change, and Sustainability Committee in 2010, following the failure of the UNFCCC COP meeting in Copenhagen in 2009. Its aim was to prepare policies, materials and inputs into the United Nations’ discussions on climate change and other disasters.
Now, it has contributed to understanding and addressing the impact of COVID-19, the novel corona virus that has spread to 180 countries across the world endangering lives and economic development. For this new crisis, the Committee would like to hear from you and learn how you have contributed to dealing with the crisis in your school, community and family. Please contact the Committee Chair, Lena Dominelli by email at lena.dominelli@stir.ac.uk Social distancing can still include communicating with and sharing our stories with one another. The human spirit, kindness, compassion and solidarity will defeat the corona virus! Social workers have these characteristics in abundance. Let us share this optimistic message with those we encounter virtually or otherwise.
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IASSW Updates about COVID-19