2020 TO 2030 GLOBAL AGENDA FOR SOCIAL WORK AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK: ‘CO-BUILDING INCLUSIVE SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION’ “As President of IASSW I’m delighted that the GA process initiated in 2010 has now become a global movement. During the past months, IASSW has conducted extensive consultation through our regional and national bodies and I’m glad that we...
Call for papers: ECSWE June 15-18, 2021, Tallinn, Estonia Innovation and Resilience: Preparedness of Social Work Education in Uncertain Times The European Association of Schools of Social Work and the Tallinn University, Estonia announce the 2021 European Conference on Social Work Education, which aims be an international forum for debating innovation, concerns, challenges and practices in social...
Indexed in SCOPUS and Call for papers The Social Work Journal Alternativas. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social would like to inform you that the Call for Papers for next volume (2021) is open. Alternativas. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social is a refereed journal, using the peer-review system for external revision by experts in the field and methodology of the research, and the...
Cancellation of SWESD2020 Conference to be held in Rimini, Italy. The SWESD2020 Organising Committee, together with its main partners, The International Association of Schools of Social Work and the International Council on Social Welfare, announces the cancellation of the SWESD2020 Conference to be held in Rimini, Italy. The Organising Partners and hosts have been closely monitoring...
THE ROOTS OF WELFARE The 1st International Conference of Social Service – Paris 1928 – From yesterday to today ( In Italian ONLY) Webinar promoted by Sostoss, INPS, CNOAS, Department of CPS UniTorino Friday 16 and Saturday 17 October 2020 9.30 – 13.00 The event is unique and divided into two parts: to obtain credits...
Announcement of the 4th European Conference on Domestic Violence The Call for abstracts for the fourth European Conference on Domestic Violence is now open until 10.12. 2020. The conference will be held in congress centre Cankarjev dom, situated in the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana: http://ecdv-ljubljana.org/. The aim of the conference is to bring together...
ASASWEI Webinar 1 October 2020 13h00-17h00-PANDEMICS, POVERTY AND INEQUALITY: INTERROGATING THE SOCIAL WORK RESPONSE Dear colleagues ASASWEI is delighted to bring to you a colloquium (mini-symposium) on PANDEMICS, POVERTY AND INEQUALITY: INTERROGATING THE SOCIAL WORK RESPONSE Click here to pre-register by 28 September 2020 on: https://forms.gle/CcmCaPi3YufhnjZeA. Zoom link provided via email by 29 September 2020. Certificates awarded...
Call for Abstracts:22nd Biennial Conference of the International Consortium for Social Development ON POVERTY, INEQUALITY AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: INNOVATIONS AROUND THE WORLD Venue: UNIVERSITY OF JOHANNESBURG | JULY 13-16, 2021 Deadline for abstract for papers/ session proposal submissions: 30 November 2020 Please submit abstracts to icsd22ndconference@uj.ac.za Please note that the conference will most likely be...
IASSW UN Newsletter- Summer 2020 IASSW is publishing the latest issue of the Newsletter from the IASSW Team of Representatives to the United Nations, New York. Although the UN building has been closed and all major meetings have been held virtually since mid-March, a great deal of activity continues. Our IASSW representatives have perhaps been...
THE SOCIAL GRADUATE PROGRAM IN SOCIAL WORK AT THE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF PERNAMBUCO THE SOCIAL POST GRADUATE PROGRAM IN SOCIAL WORK AT THE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF PERNAMBUCO – BRAZIL OPENS APPLICATIONS FOR MASTER AND DOCTORATE SELECTION REGISTRATIONS: FROM 01 TO 21 OCTOBER 2020 NOTICE – https://www.ufpe.br/ppgss/todas-as-noticias/-/asset_publisher/LjvsqHGIlnzU/content/edital-de-concurso-publico-de-selecao-e-admissao-ano-letivo-2020/40086 The Post Graduate Program in Social Work at UFPE...