The Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers (ANZASW) on the Social Workers Registration Legislation Bill 22Feb19 – History in the Making! The Social Workers Registration Legislation Bill was passed in Parliament today giving greater protection for some of our most vulnerable people and increasing standards in the social work sector, says Minister for Social...
Angie Yuen, Past President of IASSW spoke on behalf of IASSW at the memorial ceremony for Prof Xu held on February 24, 2019 in Shanghai, China. Professor Xu Yong Xiang, IASSW Board member and CASWE President passed away on the morning of 21February, 2019. He will be deeply missed. Professor Xu Yong Xiang, Angie Yuen...
IASSW Secretary- Dr. Barbara Shank says, “IASSW is a wonderful organization. Every school, unit, department of social work in the world should be a member, especially those who recruit international students, send their student abroad and have host programs in other countries. Being ‘global’ and appreciating diversity and difference are important pieces of our social...
February 21, 2019 In Memoriam The International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) is deeply saddened to learn of the sudden loss of our dear friend and Board member Prof. XU Yong Xiang. Prof. XU has been a great leader in steering the development of social work and social work education in Mainland China and...
Professor Xu Yong Xiang, IASSW Board member and CASWE President just passed away on the morning of 21February, 2019. He will be deeply missed. Professor Xu Yong Xiang, IASSW Board member and CASWE President 唁 电 华东理工大学社会与公共管理学院: 惊悉徐永祥教授不幸辞世,中国社会工作教育界同人十分悲痛。中国社会工作教育协会谨代表全国社会工作师生,对我们的会长徐永祥教授表示沉痛哀悼,向贵院师生并通过你们向徐永祥教授的亲属表示亲切的慰问。 徐永祥教授是我国社会学界、社会工作界的著名学者,是有创新意识并积极倡导改革的专家。1995年他在华东理工大学创建社会工作专业,在他的带领下,华东理工大学社会学和社会工作学科快速发展,集中了一大批人才,获得了硕士、博士授予权,在教学科研、参与社会服务和社会建设方面取得了各方公认的成绩。 徐永祥教授较早倡导社会体制改革,主持国家社科基金重大项目、撰写论文、主持和参加研讨会,建言献策,积极推进我国社会领域的改革,获得了广泛赞赏。 徐永祥教授大力推动我国社会工作教育事业的发展,他被推选为中国社会工作教育协会会长后,更是不辞劳苦、身体力行、呕心沥血。他到各地参加社会工作教育研讨会,指导工作,积极联系社会资源支持我国社会工作教育事业的发展,推动社会工作教育参与脱贫攻坚,取得了显著成果。 徐永祥教授全力推进我国社会工作的专业化发展,积极推动社会工作研究,倡导提高社会工作的研究水平,提高社会工作的学科地位。这些都有力地激励着我国社会工作教育界的不断进取和奋斗。 徐永祥教授为我国社会工作教育事业的发展做出了重大贡献,他的逝世是我国社会工作教育界的重大损失,我们一定化悲痛为力量,积极推进我国社会工作教育事业的发展,以此告慰徐永祥教授在天之灵。 徐永祥教授千古。 中国社会工作教育协会 2019年2月21日
We are pleased to provide an update on the activities of the Social Work Regional Resource Centre of Oceania (SWRROC). The Centre was launch in March 2017 as the Pacific Regional Resource Centre (PRRC). However, a name change to SWRROC occured in May 2018, as another organisation in the region was found to have the...
Dear IASSW Members, IASSW is announcing four vacancies on the IASSW Board of Directors from July 2020. There is one position open for President, Secretary and two positions for Member at Large of the Board of Directors. Please find all versions of the call for nominations in Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, French and English attached herewith. The detailed call is also available...
International Capacity Building Seminar for Social Work Education, Tokyo, 2019 Presentation are as follows: Panelists: Darla Spence Coffey National Representative of USA, President and CEO, Council on Social Work Education Coffey Presentation-Tokyo-Jan2019 Nino Zganec Vice President of IASSW, President of European Association of Schools of Social Work NINO Presentation-Tokyo Tan Ngoh Tiong Treasurer of IASSW,...