Position within Board of Directors and Terms of Serving:
China National Representative
Affiliation and Position (other than IASSW):
Professor in Social Work – Peking University
President, Chinese Association for Social Work Education (CASWE)
Vice President, China Association of Social Workers (CASW)
Vice President, China Social Work Academy (CSWA)
Membership of organisations (other than IASSW): Vice President, China Association of Social Work Education
Educational Qualification/s: (Degrees): B.A. in Economics, M.A. in Economics, MSW, Ph.D in social work
Languages written and spoken: Chinese, English
Interest Areas (social work teaching, research and practice): Social Work Education, Social Work Theory and Practice, Medical social work
Current Activities (social work teaching, research, practice, others): Promoting the development of social work education in China, teaching social work practice courses at Peking University and supervising several PhD students.
Email : mafzhi@163.com