Position within Board of Directors and Terms of Serving: National Representative of Finland
Affiliation and Position (other than IASSW): University of Helsinki
Membership of organisations (other than IASSW): Management Committee Member of the COST – action NET4Age-Friendly that work on health and well-being in an age-friendly digital world, member of the Sosnet – Finnish National University Network for Social Work, the Social Policy Association in Finland, The Finnish Society for Growth and Ageing Research, International Longevity Centre (ILC) Global Alliance. Editor in Chief for Janus the Finnish journal of social policy and social work in Finland, member of the editorial team of Gerontologia, the journal the Finnish Society for Growth and Ageing Research.
Educational Qualification/s: (Degrees): Master’s Degree and PhD in Social Policy, University of Tampere, Finland. Vocational teacher’s education.
Languages written and spoken: Finnish, English
Interest Areas (social work teaching, research and practice): Research interests include care of older persons, care and ageing policies, gerontological social work, generational and gender contracts, transnational life, qualitative research methods and welfare state and policy comparisons especially related to ageing and care.
Current Activities (social work teaching, research, practice, others): Teaching in the Social Work degree programs (B and M) and the Master’s Program in Social and Health Research and Management research methods and courses related to ageing and social and health services. Gerontological social work, sustainability of a Nordic welfare state with ageing populations and care of older persons and care policies are the main research topics. Supervising doctoral students.
Email :minna.zechner@helsinki.fi