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AIFRIS WEBINARS – Wednesday July 7, 2021 International Association for Training, Research and Social Intervention – AIFRIS Theme: “Springs of experience and social inventions in times of crisis” AIFRIS and the national associations – ABFRIS / AFRIS France / ASFRIS / AQCFRIS -, in partnership with UNAFORIS are offering two Webinars on Wednesday July 7,...
Interview with the KK Awardee 2020 The interview with the KK Awardee 2020, Leila Patel, is now accessible on Policy Press’ website connected to the book Internationalizing Social Work education: Insight from Leading Figures Across the Globe by Gurid Aga Askeland and Malcolm Payne https://policy.bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/internationalising-social-work-education Prof. Leila Patel delivered Keynote lecture at the IASSW conference on 17th...
TRABAJO SOCIAL INTERNACIONAL IASSW President Annamaria Campanini was invited to participate in a round table discussion on the role of international organisations, which was held on June 1st in the University of La Rioja Spain. It was attended by ICSW Executive Director ANTONIO LÓPEZ PELÁEZ- Prof. UNED and BELÉN LORENTE MOLINA Prof. Universidad de Málaga...
IASSW- CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS deadline extended- Monday June 7, 2021   IASSW has extended the deadline for call for nominations for IASSW Board of Directors. The deadline for submission of nominations is Monday June 7, 2021 IASSW is announcing four vacancies on the IASSW Board of Directors from July/August 2022. There is one position open for Treasurer and two positions for Member at Large of the Board of Directors (years...
Encontro entre IASSW e ABEPSS: ampliando os relacionamentos Meeting between IASSW and ABEPSS: expanding relationships Please join on 4th June at the link : https://youtu.be/kxmTSkUf2Vs IASSW President- Annamaria Campanini will be in discussion with ABEPSS ( Brazilian Association of Teaching and Research in Social Work) President- Rodrigo Teixeira and Alexandra Mustafá, Member large of IASSW and Ramiro Dulcich, Coordinator...
International: ABEPSS meets with the International Association of Schools of Social Work Meeting was held virtually on May 11, and it was important to strengthen the relationship between the entities On May 11, ABEPSS met with the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW), virtually. At the meeting, the associations discussed the situation, their actions...
Call for contributions: Social dialogue- social work education during COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic brought significant disruption to social work education around the world. As we pass the one-year anniversary of the start of COVID-19 pandemic, we need a global inquiry to highlight our responses to these experiences. Therefore, we are seeking articles, research project reports, short stories, and other...
Stirling Courses- a new programme that will start this autumn MSc in Disaster Interventions and Humanitarian Aid (12 month programme, Fulltime). Programme Director, Professor Lena Dominelli) Come to study on this exciting new programme at the University of Stirling set in the beautiful historic city of Stirling, Scotland. Study and also enjoy the beautiful countryside...
The Arc of Our Paths: Growing into Wholeness Vishanthie Sewpaul, on https://www.amazon.com/Arc-Paths-Growing-Into-Wholeness/dp/B08WP9FMJ5 I find nothing more daunting, than the prospect of pulling from the depths of my being the highways and byways, and valleys of my life that I would rather leave unexamined.  Yet, I had always engaged my students in writing and reflecting on...
IASSW Elections 2022 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOLS OF SOCIAL WORK CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS We are announcing three vacancies on the IASSW Board of Directors from July/August 2022.  There is one position open for Treasurer (years of serving: July/August 2022-July/August 2026) and two positions for Members at Large of the Board of Directors (years of serving:...
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Social Dialogue