WORLD SOCIAL WORK DAY- UN Geneva Online Conferences and Workshops, on Zoom Wednesday, March 17th and Thursday, March 18th 2021 From 10:00 am Each year, social workers across the globe come together to celebrate World Social Work Day. The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland-Social Work, Geneva (HETS-GE), University of Applied Sciences and...
37th Annual Social Work Day at the UN Invitation to Social Work Day at the UN NY On behalf of the Planning Committee representing IASSW, ICSW, and IFSW – we invite you to Social Work Day at the United Nations on March 16. The registration link is Please share the invitation with your colleagues and...
East Asian Sub-regional APASWE Webinar WORLD SOCIAL WORK DAY 2021 Social Solidarity in the New Global Agenda and the COVID-19 Pandemic in East Asia What Can Social Work Education Do? The programme is supported by Japanese Association for Social Work Education (JASWE) & Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research...
Social Dialogue #24 Global Call for contributions Topic: Global impact of COVID-19 on women and young girls Guest editors: Darja Zaviršek, David McNabb, Laura Guzman (Women’s Interest Group, IASSW) We are seeking articles, research projects, short stories, evidence, documents and reports exploring the social and economic impact of COVID-19 on women and girls. As...
INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL WORK: AN EVENING WITH THE AUTHORS, LYNNE HEALY AND REBECCA THOMAS Thursday, March 4th, 2021 Mar 4, 2021 05:30 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada) via Zoom Enjoy an evening of meaningful dialogue with Drs. Healy and Thomas about global social work and its impact on human rights and globalization as they discuss...
37th Annual Social Work Day at the United Nations Theme: Responses to COVID-19: Standing Together Makes Us Stronger This year’s event will be held online via Zoom. More information will be available in the coming weeks…..
WEBINAR: FIELD EDUCATION IN SOCIAL WORK UNDER CORONA CRISIS: Learning from Southeast European and North American Perspective(s) DESCRIPTION: Corona crisis has tremendously impacted ‘normal’ functioning of all our social system, including (higher) education. Virtually overnight, schools and universities were asked to digitalize, distance learning became a new magic word, but the problem is that it...
The Tensions between Culture and Human Rights: Emancipatory Social Work and Afrocentricity in a Global World Edited by Vishanthie Sewpaul, Linda Kreitzer, and Tanusha Raniga This book project was supported with funding from the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) International Projects fund and Association of Schools of SW in Africa (ASSWA). About the...
Virtual Side event : Social inclusion through digital inclusion in the context of sustainable development: trends and challenges February 9: 10.00 -11.15 EST, online The event seeks to explore the pre-requisites and core activities necessary to ensure that all individuals and communities, including the most disadvantaged, have access to and use of information and communication...
IASSW- UN NY Newsletter- February 2021 Here is the most recent update of news from IASSW’s Team of Representatives at the United Nations, New York. It covers our work on Social Development and on Migration. Please note the important events of the UN Commission for Social Development, taking place largely online from February 8-17, 2021....